
Bahamas Gambling Age

Bahamas Gambling Age 4,1/5 6465 reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does the Gaming Board for The Bahamas exist?
The Gaming Board for The Bahamas (“the Gaming Board”) is a supervisory body that is responsible for regulating all licensed gaming and related activities that are offered by casinos and gaming house operators in The Bahamas.
Under which Government Ministry does the Gaming Board fall?
The Ministry of Tourism
Who is in charge of the Gaming Board?
The Gaming Act, 2014 (“the Act”), which is the Act that governs the Gaming Board’s operations, makes provision for the appointment of a Secretary who has overall responsibility for directing the daily operations of the Gaming Board.
What categories of jobs exist at the Gaming Board?
There are jobs in maintenance, electronics, investigations, accounting, administration, law, information technology and human resources.
Do employees of the Gaming Board also function as employees of the casinos?
No. However, the Gaming Board, through its employees, maintains a presence at each casino operation in order to provide regulatory guidance and oversight.
How may I apply for a job at the Gaming Board?
Contact the Human Resources Department by telephone or via email.
What knowledge or skillset is required in order to qualify for employment at the Gaming Board?
The necessary requirements for each position are noted in the advertisement.
If I previously worked at a casino, would I be able to work for the Gaming Board?
Yes. However, you will still be required to undergo the usual background checks to confirm your suitability for employment with the Gaming Board.
What is the process for being granted a key employee licence in the gaming industry in The Bahamas?
An applicant must firstly complete a Multi-Jurisdictional Personal History Disclosure Form (“MJPHD”) along with an Authorization for Examination and Release of Information and Indemnification form.The MJPHD must be completed in full, notarized, and accompanied by the prescribed statutory fees. The Board then conducts a background investigation as well as an interview to determine the applicant’s suitability for licensure. Completed applications and findings are submitted to the Appointed Board for consideration.
Why do I need to complete the Multi-Jurisdiction Personal History Disclosure form?
Per Regulation 12(1) (a) of the Gaming Regulations, 2014, the MJPHD form is a statutorily mandated application form that is also recognized within the international gaming industry. It is used to capture the necessary information needed to commence an investigation into an applicant’s background.
What is the purpose of the Authorization for Examination and Release of Information and Indemnification form?
The Authorization for Examination and Release of Information and Indemnification form gives the Board the authority to conduct investigations and make inquiries to various agencies on behalf of the applicant. It also safeguards the Board from any potential lawsuits.
Why is a background investigation conducted on each applicant?
The Board seeks to safeguard the integrity of the gaming industry by ensuring that all applicants are fit and proper and are not disqualified under Section 25 of the Gaming Act 2014 (“the Act”).
What happens during the interview process for key employees?
The lead agent responsible for the investigation reviews the MJPHD form and supporting documentation in the presence of the applicant.
How long does it take for a principal/key employee licence application to be approved by the Board?
There is no time stipulation as each application is unique and numerous factors can affect the process. However, applications are submitted on amonthly basis for consideration by the Appointed Board.
How long is the key employee licence valid?
The key employee licence is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance.
If a key employee resigns or is terminated, will their key employee licence be transferable to a new gaming establishment?
The licence is non-transferable; however, future investigations for previously licenced individuals may be abridged due to the extensive investigations that were conducted for prior licensure.
Does having a criminal record disqualify an applicant from being granted a key employee licence?
It serves as a disqualification if the applicant was convicted of an offence within the previous ten (10) years in contravention of the Act or any similar law in The Bahamas or elsewhere. Such offences may include but are not limited to fraud, corruption, dishonesty or misappropriation of money. If however, the applicant was pardoned, the relevant offence may not act as a disqualifying factor.
Can I participate in gaming with the establishment to which I am a licensed employee?
No, however, you can engage in gaming with another Gaming House. Bahamian citizens are not permitted to participate in gaming within the casinos.
Who needs a supplier licence?
A Supplier licence is required by every person who:
Distributes any gaming device for use in The Bahamas
In The Bahamas, maintains, alters, repairs (other than engaging in the routine maintenance, repair or alteration defined in section 47(3)(a) of the Act) or modifies a gaming device; or
Otherwise directly supplies any gaming device to the holder of a licence issued under this Act, for use in The Bahamas.
Can a supplier licence be issued to an individual?
No. A supplier licence is only issued to a company.
My company is the recipient of a supplier licence issued by a regulatory authority in Nevada. Does this exempt my company from undergoing an investigation?
Not necessarily as an exemption from an investigation is not granted outright. Section 47 (6) of the Act stipulates the following:
Notwithstanding any provision of this Act to the contrary, an applicant for a supplier licence which, on application for such licence and on payment of the prescribed application fee, produces a current, valid licence, certificate or similar approval, authorizing any of the activities required for a supplier licence under this Act, and is issued by a regulatory authority situated in Nevada, New Jersey, Mississippi or Singapore, or such other regulatory authority, the Board may recognize for the purposes of this section from to time to time, shall not be required to undergo any investigation referred to in the Act for the purposes of its application for such licence, but shall be deemed to qualify for a Supplier licence under this Act.
In light of the foregoing, before an applicant for a supplier licence can be deemed to have met the prerequisites of Section 47(6) of the Act, the Board must firstly conduct an eligibility analysis to confirm that the licence/certificate (and accompanying information) produced by the applicant are in fact current and valid. It is only in instances where the Board is able to satisfactorily confirm the applicant’s regulatory standing, in accordance with Section 47(6), that no further, in-depth due diligence investigation is required. Accordingly, the statutory fees, inclusive of an investigative deposit, must accompany any supplier licence application.
What are the requisite forms that are required to be completed by an employee in the gaming industry who must obtain a Key Employee Licence or a Gaming Employee Licence within The Bahamas?
The Multi-Jurisdictional Personal History Disclosure Form is the required form. Same can be collected from your employer.
Where do I obtain a licence to conduct a raffle for my church or non- profit agency?
Charitable lotteries such as raffles are approved by the Minister Responsible for Gaming who may grant written approval, after consultation with the Gaming Board, to a prior request made to hold a charitable lottery. (Section 59 Gaming Act 2014)
Do all persons who work in and around Casinos and Gaming Houses require a licence?
Yes, all persons who work in gaming related areas of Casinos and Gaming Houses require a licence. Individuals holding supervisory positions or those vested with direct control over gaming operations must obtain a Key Employee Licence from the Gaming Board; whereas those employees who are directly responsible for performing non-supervisory functions are required to obtain a Gaming Employee Licence. (Sections 48 & 49 Gaming Act, 2014)
Where can I obtain a licence application form?
A licence application form may be obtained from the Gaming Board’s website - Information and Forms.
Are licence application fees or annual licence and monitoring fees refundable?
No, licence application fees and annual licence and monitoring fees are non- refundable. (Section 27 (1)(b) Gaming Act, 2014)
Does having a criminal record affect my application?
Having a criminal record may affect the outcome of your application, particularly if you have been convicted during the previous ten years, in The Bahamas or elsewhere, of any contravention of the Gaming Act or any similar law, orany offence of which corruption or dishonesty is an element, unless you have been pardoned in respect of such offence. (Section 25 of the Gaming Act, 2014)
What should I do when I have completed the forms and gathered the supporting documents?
Review the forms to ensure that they are fully completed and signed where required. Also make sure that you have all of the required documents in your possession.
Multi-Jurisdictional Form must be notarized.
Authorization Release Form must be notarized.
Temporary Employee Licence Form must be notarized.
Submit all required documents to your Human Resources Departmentfor their review with you to ensure completeness.
Original Birth Certificate
Original Fingerprint Card
Original Marriage Certificate (where applicable)
Original Police Record
3 Original Character Reference Letters
4 Passport Sized Photographs
Multi-Jurisdictional Personal History Disclosure Form
Authorization Release Form
Temporary Employee Licence Form (where applicable)
What happens next?
Provided all is in order, your Human Resources Department will submit your application, with the relevant fees, to the Gaming Board.
The Gaming Board reviews your application and then contacts you in order to schedule an interview.
The Gaming Board conducts an interview and background investigation on you.
A recommendation is then sent from the Gaming Board’s Licensing Department to the Appointed Board for approval or denial, based on the outcome of the background investigation.
Your Human Resources Department will notify you of the outcome of the investigation. If approved, they will advise you of your appointment to visit the Gaming Board’s office to collect your gaming identification card.
How do I get my original documents back?
Your original birth certificate, affidavit and marriage certificate (if applicable) will be returned to your Human Resources Department upon completion of the Gaming Board’s investigation.
Am I required to have my licence renewed?
Yes, each employee is required to renew their licence on an annual basis. This process involves an interview with a Gaming Board Inspector and the following documents are required to be submitted;
A Relicensing Form
A valid police certificate
Your expired Gaming Board Identification Card.
What happens if I leave the company?
If you leave the company, you are required to surrender your Gaming Board Identification Card to the Human Resources Department of your company, at the time of your departure.
What happens if I move to another organization where I am required to obtain either a Key Employee Licence or a Gaming Employee Licence?
If you move to another company where you will be required to obtain either a Key Employee Licence or a Gaming Employee Licence, that company will be responsible for submitting an application on your behalf and paying the requisite fees.
What are the forms of taxes imposed?
Under section 64 of the Act, the holder of an operator license shall pay to the Board basic taxes and gaming taxes at the rates or percentages or amounts at the times and manner prescribed (Also, refer to sections 187 and 188 of the Gaming Regulations, 2014).
Basic Taxes – is an annual tax paid in six equal monthly installments by casino operators only; the first of which is due on the thirty-first day of January and the remainder on the last day of each succeeding month. The basic tax amount applicable is subject to the size of the casino floor space which falls into three categories: small, medium and large casinos.
Gaming Taxes – taxes derived from monthly taxable revenues (adjusted gross revenues) and paid to the Board by both licensed casinos and gaming house operators.
Where do revenues from taxes go?
Gaming revenues collected from licensed operators are paid to the Board which is subsequently paid into the Consolidated Fund by the Secretary of the Gaming Board within the period prescribed (Refer to section 64 of the Gaming Act, 2014 and sections 60 and 192 of the Gaming House Operator Regulations and Gaming Regulations 2014, respectively).
What is the tax period?
The tax period for a license holder shall be a period of one month ending on the last day of each calendar month (Refer to sections 58 and 190 of the Gaming House Operator Regulations and Gaming Regulations 2014, respectively).
What is a Negative Taxable Deduction?
With respect to land based casinos only, a negative taxable deduction is a deduction on negative revenues experienced within a given tax period. Such deduction may be approved by the Minister responsible for gaming in whole or in part subject to such conditions as the Minister may stipulate (Refer to section 193 of the Gaming Regulations 2014).
What is a 'Domestic Player'?
A Domestic Player is:
anyone who is a citizen of the Bahamas,
a holder of a permanent residence certificate/permit,
anyone who possesses or requires a permit for gainful employment
or is the spouse of the preceding.
Are Residents allowed to gamble in the Casinos?
No, domestic player can only gamble in the Gaming Houses.
What is the legal age for gambling in the Casinos and Gaming Houses?
The legal age for gambling within the Commonwealth of The Bahamas is eighteen (18) years old.
Can tourists gamble in the Gaming Houses?
No, tourists are not allowed to wager in Gaming Houses, only in the Casinos.
What is 'Responsible Gambling'?
Responsible Gambling is a formulated written plan by the Licensee that provides training to its licensed key employees, consisting at a minimum, of information concerning the nature and symptoms of problem gaming behavior. Responsible Gambling also assists patrons in obtaining information about problem gaming and information on the self exclusion program, as referred to in Section 74(b) of the Gaming Regulations 2014. It also ensures that a notice informing the public of the phenomenon of compulsive or problem gaming is prominently displayed at every entrance within the premises, which provides access to any specifically demographic area where gaming takes place; and ensures the display on the licensed premises of an adequate supply of pamphlets for public reference and use, which provides information regarding the phenomenon of compulsive or problem gaming.
What is Self Exclusion?
Any person who wishes to preclude themselves from engaging in any gaming activity may apply to be registered on a list of excluded persons in the format determined by the Board.
How long will I be on the Self Exclusion List?
A person can be on the Self Exclusion List from gaming in respect of a period of one (1) year up to five (5) years or for life.
Are taxes levied on patrons' winnings?
No,there are no taxes levied on patrons' winnings.
What is the redemption period for winning tickets?
The expiration date is printed on the individual tickets. However, Slot Machine (T.I.T.O.) Tickets expire after sixty (60) days and Race/Sports Book tickets expire after one hundred and eighty days (180) from the issue date.
Is Mobile Gaming permitted in the Casinos?
Yes, mobile gaming is permitted in the Casinos.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does the Gaming Board for The Bahamas exist?
The Gaming Board for The Bahamas (“the Gaming Board”) is a supervisory body that is responsible for regulating all licensed gaming and related activities that are offered by casinos and gaming house operators in The Bahamas.
Under which Government Ministry does the Gaming Board fall?
The Ministry of Tourism
Who is in charge of the Gaming Board?
The Gaming Act, 2014 (“the Act”), which is the Act that governs the Gaming Board’s operations, makes provision for the appointment of a Secretary who has overall responsibility for directing the daily operations of the Gaming Board.
What categories of jobs exist at the Gaming Board?
There are jobs in maintenance, electronics, investigations, accounting, administration, law, information technology and human resources.
Do employees of the Gaming Board also function as employees of the casinos?
No. However, the Gaming Board, through its employees, maintains a presence at each casino operation in order to provide regulatory guidance and oversight.
How may I apply for a job at the Gaming Board?
Contact the Human Resources Department by telephone or via email.
What knowledge or skillset is required in order to qualify for employment at the Gaming Board?
The necessary requirements for each position are noted in the advertisement.
If I previously worked at a casino, would I be able to work for the Gaming Board?
Yes. However, you will still be required to undergo the usual background checks to confirm your suitability for employment with the Gaming Board.
What is the process for being granted a key employee licence in the gaming industry in The Bahamas?
An applicant must firstly complete a Multi-Jurisdictional Personal History Disclosure Form (“MJPHD”) along with an Authorization for Examination and Release of Information and Indemnification form.The MJPHD must be completed in full, notarized, and accompanied by the prescribed statutory fees. The Board then conducts a background investigation as well as an interview to determine the applicant’s suitability for licensure. Completed applications and findings are submitted to the Appointed Board for consideration.
Why do I need to complete the Multi-Jurisdiction Personal History Disclosure form?
Per Regulation 12(1) (a) of the Gaming Regulations, 2014, the MJPHD form is a statutorily mandated application form that is also recognized within the international gaming industry. It is used to capture the necessary information needed to commence an investigation into an applicant’s background.
What is the purpose of the Authorization for Examination and Release of Information and Indemnification form?
The Authorization for Examination and Release of Information and Indemnification form gives the Board the authority to conduct investigations and make inquiries to various agencies on behalf of the applicant. It also safeguards the Board from any potential lawsuits.
Why is a background investigation conducted on each applicant?
The Board seeks to safeguard the integrity of the gaming industry by ensuring that all applicants are fit and proper and are not disqualified under Section 25 of the Gaming Act 2014 (“the Act”).
What happens during the interview process for key employees?
The lead agent responsible for the investigation reviews the MJPHD form and supporting documentation in the presence of the applicant.
How long does it take for a principal/key employee licence application to be approved by the Board?
There is no time stipulation as each application is unique and numerous factors can affect the process. However, applications are submitted on amonthly basis for consideration by the Appointed Board.
How long is the key employee licence valid?
The key employee licence is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance.
If a key employee resigns or is terminated, will their key employee licence be transferable to a new gaming establishment?
The licence is non-transferable; however, future investigations for previously licenced individuals may be abridged due to the extensive investigations that were conducted for prior licensure.
Does having a criminal record disqualify an applicant from being granted a key employee licence?
It serves as a disqualification if the applicant was convicted of an offence within the previous ten (10) years in contravention of the Act or any similar law in The Bahamas or elsewhere. Such offences may include but are not limited to fraud, corruption, dishonesty or misappropriation of money. If however, the applicant was pardoned, the relevant offence may not act as a disqualifying factor.
Can I participate in gaming with the establishment to which I am a licensed employee?
No, however, you can engage in gaming with another Gaming House. Bahamian citizens are not permitted to participate in gaming within the casinos.
Who needs a supplier licence?
A Supplier licence is required by every person who:
Distributes any gaming device for use in The Bahamas
In The Bahamas, maintains, alters, repairs (other than engaging in the routine maintenance, repair or alteration defined in section 47(3)(a) of the Act) or modifies a gaming device; or
Otherwise directly supplies any gaming device to the holder of a licence issued under this Act, for use in The Bahamas.
Can a supplier licence be issued to an individual?
No. A supplier licence is only issued to a company.
My company is the recipient of a supplier licence issued by a regulatory authority in Nevada. Does this exempt my company from undergoing an investigation?
Not necessarily as an exemption from an investigation is not granted outright. Section 47 (6) of the Act stipulates the following:
Notwithstanding any provision of this Act to the contrary, an applicant for a supplier licence which, on application for such licence and on payment of the prescribed application fee, produces a current, valid licence, certificate or similar approval, authorizing any of the activities required for a supplier licence under this Act, and is issued by a regulatory authority situated in Nevada, New Jersey, Mississippi or Singapore, or such other regulatory authority, the Board may recognize for the purposes of this section from to time to time, shall not be required to undergo any investigation referred to in the Act for the purposes of its application for such licence, but shall be deemed to qualify for a Supplier licence under this Act.
In light of the foregoing, before an applicant for a supplier licence can be deemed to have met the prerequisites of Section 47(6) of the Act, the Board must firstly conduct an eligibility analysis to confirm that the licence/certificate (and accompanying information) produced by the applicant are in fact current and valid. It is only in instances where the Board is able to satisfactorily confirm the applicant’s regulatory standing, in accordance with Section 47(6), that no further, in-depth due diligence investigation is required. Accordingly, the statutory fees, inclusive of an investigative deposit, must accompany any supplier licence application.
What are the requisite forms that are required to be completed by an employee in the gaming industry who must obtain a Key Employee Licence or a Gaming Employee Licence within The Bahamas?
The Multi-Jurisdictional Personal History Disclosure Form is the required form. Same can be collected from your employer.
Where do I obtain a licence to conduct a raffle for my church or non- profit agency?
Charitable lotteries such as raffles are approved by the Minister Responsible for Gaming who may grant written approval, after consultation with the Gaming Board, to a prior request made to hold a charitable lottery. (Section 59 Gaming Act 2014)
Do all persons who work in and around Casinos and Gaming Houses require a licence?
Yes, all persons who work in gaming related areas of Casinos and Gaming Houses require a licence. Individuals holding supervisory positions or those vested with direct control over gaming operations must obtain a Key Employee Licence from the Gaming Board; whereas those employees who are directly responsible for performing non-supervisory functions are required to obtain a Gaming Employee Licence. (Sections 48 & 49 Gaming Act, 2014)
Where can I obtain a licence application form?
A licence application form may be obtained from the Gaming Board’s website - Information and Forms.
Are licence application fees or annual licence and monitoring fees refundable?
No, licence application fees and annual licence and monitoring fees are non- refundable. (Section 27 (1)(b) Gaming Act, 2014)
Does having a criminal record affect my application?
Having a criminal record may affect the outcome of your application, particularly if you have been convicted during the previous ten years, in The Bahamas or elsewhere, of any contravention of the Gaming Act or any similar law, orany offence of which corruption or dishonesty is an element, unless you have been pardoned in respect of such offence. (Section 25 of the Gaming Act, 2014)
What should I do when I have completed the forms and gathered the supporting documents?
Review the forms to ensure that they are fully completed and signed where required. Also make sure that you have all of the required documents in your possession.
Multi-Jurisdictional Form must be notarized.
Authorization Release Form must be notarized.
Temporary Employee Licence Form must be notarized.
Submit all required documents to your Human Resources Departmentfor their review with you to ensure completeness.
Original Birth Certificate
Original Fingerprint Card
Original Marriage Certificate (where applicable)
Original Police Record
3 Original Character Reference Letters
4 Passport Sized Photographs
Multi-Jurisdictional Personal History Disclosure Form
Authorization Release Form
Temporary Employee Licence Form (where applicable)
What happens next?
Provided all is in order, your Human Resources Department will submit your application, with the relevant fees, to the Gaming Board.
The Gaming Board reviews your application and then contacts you in order to schedule an interview.
The Gaming Board conducts an interview and background investigation on you.
A recommendation is then sent from the Gaming Board’s Licensing Department to the Appointed Board for approval or denial, based on the outcome of the background investigation.
Your Human Resources Department will notify you of the outcome of the investigation. If approved, they will advise you of your appointment to visit the Gaming Board’s office to collect your gaming identification card.
How do I get my original documents back?
Your original birth certificate, affidavit and marriage certificate (if applicable) will be returned to your Human Resources Department upon completion of the Gaming Board’s investigation.
Am I required to have my licence renewed?
Yes, each employee is required to renew their licence on an annual basis. This process involves an interview with a Gaming Board Inspector and the following documents are required to be submitted;
A Relicensing Form
A valid police certificate
Your expired Gaming Board Identification Card.
What happens if I leave the company?
If you leave the company, you are required to surrender your Gaming Board Identification Card to the Human Resources Department of your company, at the time of your departure.
What happens if I move to another organization where I am required to obtain either a Key Employee Licence or a Gaming Employee Licence?
If you move to another company where you will be required to obtain either a Key Employee Licence or a Gaming Employee Licence, that company will be responsible for submitting an application on your behalf and paying the requisite fees.
What are the forms of taxes imposed?
Under section 64 of the Act, the holder of an operator license shall pay to the Board basic taxes and gaming taxes at the rates or percentages or amounts at the times and manner prescribed (Also, refer to sections 187 and 188 of the Gaming Regulations, 2014).
Basic Taxes – is an annual tax paid in six equal monthly installments by casino operators only; the first of which is due on the thirty-first day of January and the remainder on the last day of each succeeding month. The basic tax amount applicable is subject to the size of the casino floor space which falls into three categories: small, medium and large casinos.
Gaming Taxes – taxes derived from monthly taxable revenues (adjusted gross revenues) and paid to the Board by both licensed casinos and gaming house operators.
Where do revenues from taxes go?
Gaming revenues collected from licensed operators are paid to the Board which is subsequently paid into the Consolidated Fund by the Secretary of the Gaming Board within the period prescribed (Refer to section 64 of the Gaming Act, 2014 and sections 60 and 192 of the Gaming House Operator Regulations and Gaming Regulations 2014, respectively).
What is the tax period?
The tax period for a license holder shall be a period of one month ending on the last day of each calendar month (Refer to sections 58 and 190 of the Gaming House Operator Regulations and Gaming Regulations 2014, respectively).
What is a Negative Taxable Deduction?
With respect to land based casinos only, a negative taxable deduction is a deduction on negative revenues experienced within a given tax period. Such deduction may be approved by the Minister responsible for gaming in whole or in part subject to such conditions as the Minister may stipulate (Refer to section 193 of the Gaming Regulations 2014).
What is a 'Domestic Player'?
A Domestic Player is:
anyone who is a citizen of the Bahamas,
a holder of a permanent residence certificate/permit,
anyone who possesses or requires a permit for gainful employment
or is the spouse of the preceding.
Are Residents allowed to gamble in the Casinos?
No, domestic player can only gamble in the Gaming Houses.
What is the legal age for gambling in the Casinos and Gaming Houses?
The legal age for gambling within the Commonwealth of The Bahamas is eighteen (18) years old.
Can tourists gamble in the Gaming Houses?
No, tourists are not allowed to wager in Gaming Houses, only in the Casinos.
What is 'Responsible Gambling'?
Responsible Gambling is a formulated written plan by the Licensee that provides training to its licensed key employees, consisting at a minimum, of information concerning the nature and symptoms of problem gaming behavior. Responsible Gambling also assists patrons in obtaining information about problem gaming and information on the self exclusion program, as referred to in Section 74(b) of the Gaming Regulations 2014. It also ensures that a notice informing the public of the phenomenon of compulsive or problem gaming is prominently displayed at every entrance within the premises, which provides access to any specifically demographic area where gaming takes place; and ensures the display on the licensed premises of an adequate supply of pamphlets for public reference and use, which provides information regarding the phenomenon of compulsive or problem gaming.
What is Self Exclusion?
Any person who wishes to preclude themselves from engaging in any gaming activity may apply to be registered on a list of excluded persons in the format determined by the Board.
How long will I be on the Self Exclusion List?
A person can be on the Self Exclusion List from gaming in respect of a period of one (1) year up to five (5) years or for life.
Are taxes levied on patrons' winnings?
No,there are no taxes levied on patrons' winnings.
What is the redemption period for winning tickets?
The expiration date is printed on the individual tickets. However, Slot Machine (T.I.T.O.) Tickets expire after sixty (60) days and Race/Sports Book tickets expire after one hundred and eighty days (180) from the issue date.
Is Mobile Gaming permitted in the Casinos?
Yes, mobile gaming is permitted in the Casinos.

Bahamas Drinking Age Gambling Age

Bahamas Gambling AgeBahamas Gambling Age

Gambling Age In The Bahamas. The Bahamas is known for its sandy white beaches, pristine oceans and glorious views everywhere you look. It’s also amazing for gambling, with the Atlantis Paradise Bahamas hotel and casino being at the center of it all. In the Bahamas. The legal age in The Bahamas for Drinking, Gambling (non-residents only allowed to gamble in The Bahamas), and Voting is 18. Legal Gambling Age: 18. How Our Experts Rate and Review. When you're gambling for real money at a casino online in the Bahamas, it's essential to ensure that the site is authentic and regulated. A loser, this being very prevalent in gambling no matter the stake. Gambling regulations exist all over the country as there is a basis of set laws that are put forth by the government, such as the ability to not buy a lottery ticket until the age of 18 and not being able to fully access a casino until the age of 21.